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发布时间:2024-07-04 15:10 点击:[4307]


Weight saving in transport sectors drives the development and application of various lightweight materials such as light alloys, foams and composites in structural components. The final mechanical performance (e.g., fatigue and dynamic impact) of these components is not just determined by the external load but also the microstructure that in turn depends on the manufacturing process. This talk will introduce the effort in my research group in the past years to improve our understanding of the process-structure-mechanical property relationship of lightweight structural materials, with the aim of developing through-process modelling. Specifically, several projects will be highlighted: strain rate dependent behaviour of polymeric syntactic foams, open-cell Inconel foams by the slurry coating technique, 3D damage in CFRP composites, additive manufactured metal and microlattice structures, dynamic behaviour of armour ceramics, and a through-process model to predict fatigue performance of aluminium components.